A Little Thing Happened on the Way Through Dallas

We were rolling down highway 75 sitin’ in the front seat of a Georgetown bus. It’s a man, my Lord, in jacked up Ford slowin’ down to take a look at me. Little did I know I was running down the road trying to loosen my load. Toilet paper, backpacks and a tub of cloths were about to be free fallin’, free fallin’.

Yes I’m sure you got the point from the medley that one of our basement doors came open. But… We we about a mile or two from hitting Downtown Dallas and coming up to the last safe exit to get off the freeway when we were made aware of this situation. After an unscheduled visit to NorthPark mall for a little adjustment all was well and disaster averted. Now to my defense, all basement doors were locked, that darn double door came out of adjustment “again”!

Soon enough we were off to carry on like a wayward son. Special thank you to the gentlemen that went out of his way to slow down and point towards the open cargo door in Shannon’s eyesight.

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1 Response

  1. Roberta says:

    Dear wayward son and beautiful Shannon. This is wonderful. You are a very good writer. I look forward to more of your blogs.
    Gene even laughed.
    Love, mom

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