About Us

Ever have a crazy idea? Several years back I was thinking about all the places I haven’t seen or spent nearly enough time exploring in this country. I thought, what if we just sold all of our stuff, bought an RV and traveled full time for a couple of years. Crazy right? I finally got the nerve to bring this insane idea up to my wife, and to my surprise, she loved it. So here we are.

Hello we are Brian and Shannon and we are living our retirement dream and want to share it all with you… well not quite “all”, but most of it. We both had long careers in corporate America, raised a wonderful son and have many great memories to look back at and be proud of. Now we’re going to take a couple for years just for the two of us (and our two Aussies) and take everything we have ever done and learned about a traditional lifestyle and throw it out the window for something completely different – and we couldn’t be more excited (OK and a little scared too).

Photography has always been a passion and part time hobby for both of us and I have learned to appreciate the art of writing through my many years in various marketing roles. So I guess in a way this just takes our job from behind a desk to beside the campfire. Being married for 34 plus years, we have learned to appreciate our similarities and differences, how we compliment each other and just how very different we are sometimes. I’m sure this will make for some entertaining blogs along the way.

Two things we both certainly have in common is our sense of adventure and our sense of humor. So if you’re looking for the best bingo parlor in your favorite town, this might not be the site for you. However, if your looking for someone to share their first hand experiences with the next item on your bucket list, (excluding bungy jumping and anything else that we deem completely crazy or I can’t talk Shannon into) or that great hidden treasure in a small forgotten town, welcome and we look forward to getting to know you and hopefully run into you down the road a piece.