Beartooth Highway

Beartooth Highway, a 68 mile stretch of US Rout 212 between Red Lodge Montana and Silver City Wyoming near the northeast entrance of Yellowstone National Park, has been heralded the most beautiful drive in America and is part of the National Scenic Byways All-American Road. This drive was on our “must do” list when visiting Yellowstone in late May to early June 2022. Since the road typically opens on Memorial Day weekend, our timing was perfect… or was it.

Memorial Day weekend brought 3″ of fresh snow to our campsite in Island Park, ID. Although this made for a beautiful, and unusual, scene of snow covered flags, the storm brought several feet of snow to the mountains, continuing the late winter and abruptly closely the Beartooth Highway after only being open for a day or two. Our stay in Yellowstone ended, and it was time for us to move on with only the hope of a return trip someday to drive the scenic byway. The Bighorn’s awaited us with a first stop in Fort Smith, MT. Fort Smith, although beautiful and tranquil, was a mistake stop for us because we couldn’t get to Devils Canyon from there as we thought. We cut our trip short to just a few days, but before we left I got word that Beartooth Highway had reopened. We were a couple hours from Red Lodge, so we set out the next day for “the most beautiful drive in America”.

Once arriving in Red Lodge, we immediately felt a connection to the town and wish we had been staying there. The amazing drive starts on the other side of Red Lodge and amazing it is. Although it is all paved road in good condition, it is hairy with steep grades, switchbacks, twisty turns and steep drop offs as the road winds up and down and along the mountainside. It’s a breathtaking drive with incredible views around every turn. The many turnouts allow you to safely take it all in by standing on the edge of the mountain… apposed to driving on the edge of the mountain.

Along the way are several 12,000 foot peaks, several lakes (all of which were frozen over during our June 10 drive) and a view of “bears tooth”, a pyramid shaped peak which gave the road and mountains its name, compliments the Crow Indians. You’ll pass the 45th parallel on the way to Beartooth Pass at an altitude of 10,947 feet. At this location you literally feel like you are on the top of the world, and it must be because as you travel just a little bit further you come to The Top of The World Store. This is a great place to stop for something to drink or some shopping in the gift store.

Comparing the many scenic byways we’ve driven over the past several months in Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota wouldn’t be fair, it would be kind of like comparing your kids. However, Beartooth Highway is something special when you consider the feat of building this 68 mile road, the thrill of driving it and the breathtaking beauty it encompasses. If you haven’t experienced the most beautiful drive in America, put this in your plans, just leave your fear of heights and RV behind.

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