Casper, Wyoming

This might not be the most all-inclusive overview of Casper Wyoming that you’ll read but there was one very significant event we celebrated and one mind blowing surprise we encountered.

One of the difficult things about full-time RV living is that you spend a lot of time away from friends and family. This can be especially difficult on holidays and special occasions, so we were thrilled to be traveling with our good friends Dennis and Sandra during Shannon’s birthday. We’ll just say, it was one of those “special” birthdays and leave it at that. A homemade breakfast of bacon, eggs and mimosas was a great start to the big day.

There’s a lot of things to do in Casper we can talk about but I’m going to limit this post to one place we visited that wasn’t even on our radar screen until after we arrived. Less than an hour south of Casper, adjacent to Alcova Reservoir, is Fremont Canyon. The canyon stretches 3 1/2 miles long with sheer walls hundreds of feet high. We parked in a small lot right near where the canyon enters the reservoir and went exploring. The views are breathtaking as you climb along the ridge of the canyon. It seems every direction you look is just simply amazing. We only ventured about a half mile or so along the ridge but I suspect you could trek the entire 3 1/2 miles if you desired.

The canyon and Alcova Reservoir are popular for fishing, boating and kayaking. The canyon is also a popular place for rock climbers. We noticed several nice campgrounds around the lake that got us thinking about a return trip sometime in the future.

I know there’s a lot more to do and see in Casper, but when you visit the area do not miss this hidden gem. Be sure to check out all of our pictures.

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