Category: The Journey


1880 Town

About an hour east of the Badlands right off of Interstate 90 in Midland South Dakota is a place called 1880 Town. It’s a convenient stop for travelers heading down I90 to the Badlands...


Little Bighorn Battlefield

If your travels take you in the vicinity of northern Wyoming or southern Montana, you likely have already taken in a bit of the local history. There’s one place in particular 63 miles east...


Don’t Fear the Bear

We were doing some exploring in the Bighorn Mountains today. Shannon wanted to make a stop along the river to get a closer look, so I found a nice spot right along the road...


Three Months Later

Three months ago today, February 26, 2022, we walked out of our suburban home of 15 years, packed into our 35′ motorhome with our two Australian Shepherds to set out on an adventure like...


Grizzly 399 Spotting

It’s always a big thrill to see wildlife when visiting national parks and such, but sometimes it’s something exceptionally special. We arrived at Grand Teton on May 5 just as many of the campgrounds...


This is NOT a Vacation

This is freaking great! We are retired, live in an RV and freely travel the country seeing new things and meeting new people. Every day of our lives is a vacation… so I thought....


DAY 1: The Journey Begins

It was February 26, 2022, we parked the RV in front of the house and spent the day loading our last belongings into our new home on wheels. We left the keys on the...