Grand Junction Colorado

We stopped in Grand Junction as a temporary hop off of our Utah itinerary because of a couple specific attractions we wanted to see but were surprised with what else the area presented us. We actually stayed just outside of Grand Junction in Palisade which was a good decision.

To our surprise Palisade is known for its fruit orchards (mainly peaches and cherries) and vineyards. Quite odd considering that it’s located in the high desert, but this little flowing water thing called the Colorado River makes the area quite fertile. We were surrounded by orchards, including the RV resort we stayed at which had its own orchard. Let me tell you, these Palisade peaches give Georgia peaches a run for their money! We also visited a cherry orchard and picked our own cherries. There is a cherry pie in our future.

The primary reason for visiting Grand Junction was to see the Colorado National Monument. This beautiful plateau overlooks the canyon some 2,000 feet below. The scenic drive provides amazing views of sheer cliffs, deep canyons and towering rock formations. There are many viewpoints and hikes along the way to take it all in. It took nearly 20 years to construct this road with skilled labor. Unfortunately many died during the construction due to a major rock slide at one of the work areas.

One of the highlights of Colorado National Monument was Independent Monument, a 5,739-foot-elevation sandstone pillar in the center of the park. In a tradition dating over 100 years, each July 4th a team climbs the monument and raises an American flag. We were fortunate enough to be there on July 4th and see Old Glory flying high on the monument.

We took a side trip down a back road which led us to a short hike to see some natural arches. I believe the road was called Black Ridge and frankly it was a little longer and rougher trip than we expected. Pretty scenic though.

All-in-all, Colorado National Monument was a real treat and an easy day trip to see.

Our next stop was the Grand Mesa scenic byway. The Grand Mesa is Colorado’s highest mesa at 10,500 feet above sea level. What a beautiful drive and escape from the heat below. It was in the low 60’s while the valley was baking in the 90’s. With a record 500 plus feet of snow this past winter, on this July 3rd the dogs got to play in snow! If you’re heading that way, be sure to stop at the Land’s End Observatory to take in the best (well they’re all good) views. And there is a very cool, steep switchback road which is the quick way down from the Observatory. Yes, we did!

The town of Grand Junction has a lot to offer as well. They have a real nice First Friday festival in the arts district on the first Friday of the month in the summertime. They also have a regular farmers market in the arts district streets every Thursday during the summer. Yeah, more peaches and some fresh vegetables!

We had a great stop at the Museum of the West in Grand Junction. The museum offers a thousand years of western Colorado history under one roof. You will learn some fun facts while you are there, as well, such as where the terms “riding shotgun” and “hosing the competition” came from. The former was inspired by the man who would sit next to the stagecoach driver armed with a sawed-off shotgun to protect the valuable cargo from outlaws. The latter was inspired from when the local towns fire teams had a competition with the old hose carts. You know, those two big wagon wheels with the fire hose wound in the middle before there were fire trucks.

Finally, any stop is not complete without a good off-road adventure. We took a little adventure to Coal Canyon Road in hopes of seeing some wild horses. We didn’t see any horses, but we did have somewhat of a wild adventure in one of the dry creek beds. Let’s just say we got to experience some unfound capabilities of the Jeep along with some newly learned driving skills and ground direction. We’ll leave it at that.

We weren’t sure about this stop but it met, and in many ways, exceeded our expectations. The plush orchards of Palisade, the many things to do in Grand Junctions and the magnificent natural wonders that surround it all, makes for a great destination for just about anyone.

Be sure to check out all of our pictures from the region.

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