Lost Mine Trail

Lost Mine Trail is one of the most popular hiking trails in Big Bend, and for good reason. I recommend hiking this early in the morning for two reasons – it’s much cooler and the small parking lot fills up quickly. We were at the trail head just before sunrise.

Many hiking trails culminate with the prize at the end. This trail did not disappoint in that respect but was absolutely majestic from start to finish. Every bend and twist provided a new magnificent view. Since the hike up is all uphill we took it slow and soaked in the beauty. There are a lot of trees on this trail and since its on the West side of the mountain it is all shaded on the way up. Although its classified as a moderate trail, most people can do this, just hike at your own pace.

As you reach the peak it gets a little more challenging but before you know it you are on the bald vista atop the mountain. The 360 degree view of the Chisos Mountains, in arguably the most beautiful parts of the park, makes you feel like you just climbed Mt. Everest.

Your hard work getting up to the top is rewarded by a much easier downhill hike among mixed sun and shade. The gift keeps giving as now the sun is enhancing the mountain-scape further. We both had a huge sense of accomplishment in hiking this trail… Shannon a little freaked out at the top but all good in the end.

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