This is NOT a Vacation

This is freaking great! We are retired, live in an RV and freely travel the country seeing new things and meeting new people. Every day of our lives is a vacation… so I thought.

It didn’t take long to come to my first epiphany as a full time RV’er. As much as we want to think (and occasionally gloat) about this lifestyle being a vacation everyday, it in fact is not. You see, there are still life responsibilities to deal with such as doctor visits, paying bills, grocery shopping, laundry, home repairs and so on. When you’re on “vacation” you put most of those things on hold for the week or two that you are away from home. When this is your regular lifestyle, those things are a constant and you must schedule time for them. Additionally, we all need downtime, simply time to do nothing. It’s important to be OK with that, even if you happen to be in one of the most beautiful places in the word.

Running from one location to another, only spending a few days or a week in one spot will likely wear you out quickly and send you packing for the suburbs and back in the sticks and bricks. If you think you need a week in one location, schedule two weeks. If you think you need two weeks, schedule a month. This is not a vacation it is a lifestyle, a wonderful, adventurous lifestyle that (should) feel like you’re on vacation most of the time. Slow down, smell the roses, sleep late, be a couch potato every once in a while. Its OK.

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2 Responses

  1. Laura Holder says:

    Good thoughts! It does have the feel of perpetual vacation, but life doesn’t stop just because your home changes. Enjoy the ride!

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