What’s in a Name

When we were both kids we took many road trips with our families. Shannon, being a Texas girl, started from the South and went somewhere North. I grew up in suburban Chicago and our road trips were mostly sporadic and undetermined. We never quite knew where we were going and when we would get there. When inquiring from the backseat my Dad would always respond with “down the road a piece”. I figured this was just his way of politely telling me to be quiet. In fact, if the truth be known, I always thought it was “peace” not “piece”. It wasn’t until years later (much later) when I realized what he was trying to tell me and my brothers. It’s not just about the destination, sit back and enjoy the journey.

I can’t think of anyone who enjoyed the journey of life more than my dad. The words and experiences that all those close to our lives instill upon us shape us into who we are today. This blog and our adventures are dedicated to all those special in our lives who have inspired us, but especially to my dad, stepmom and Shannon’s mom and dad who I know will all be riding along with us from heaven.

We look forward to sharing with you the adventures of all our destinations and the journey along the way. See you down the road a piece.