Three Months Later

Three months ago today, February 26, 2022, we walked out of our suburban home of 15 years, packed into our 35′ motorhome with our two Australian Shepherds to set out on an adventure like we have never done before. We had goals and aspirations to see this beautiful country from sea to sea and renew our beliefs that there is more (much more) good in the world than there is bad and evil. And in spite of the recent horrific event in Uvalde Texas, we still truly believe this.

The past three months have taken us through five states where we have traveled over 3,000 miles and camped at 18 different campgrounds. We have seen every wild animal imaginable and natural beauty like we never imagined. We have pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones to experience new things and embraced a completely different lifestyle. We have met many wonderful people and made new friends along the way, as we hoped and believed we would.

We have learned so much along the way, like how to drive a big bus in less than ideal conditions. We have learned how to deal with excessive heat, cold, snow and wind while living in a motorhome. We have learned how to live in 338 square feet, and do so without (for the most part) getting on each others nerves.

We have found that we don’t miss our big house and yard… the front yards we have had over the past three months have been pretty incredible. We don’t miss all the “stuff” that we had packed in a 3400 square foot house… except of course that one mysterious missing box. We do miss friends and family, but we make sure that we work these visits into our travel plans.

Living without timelines and deadlines is certainly different, and we are loving it. We have learned to slow down, it’s not a vacations it’s an extradentary lifestyle. And the best part, this is only the first three months. Forty-one states to go and many, many more adventures ahead of us.

See you down the road a piece!

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12 Responses

  1. Kevin Riley says:

    Dreams really do come true. Super cool pics.. We love following along and learning from you guys. Rita and I are on the edge of doing the same thing. I am hoping our friendship will grow in the coming years. Safe travels guys

    • Brian says:

      Friendships along the way like we have with you all is what makes this very special!
      We just have to figure out those intersecting points with our travels 🙂

  2. Roberta says:

    This blog started my day with a smile on my face. I am so happy for you both!

  3. Mark says:

    Love this post. The mention of the front yard hits as something that would just plain be wonderful. I kept waiting for the aspect of trying new and “interesting” foods (think Andrew Zimmern with Bizarre Foods) but I guess I’ll see what you find along with past. 🙂

    It’s fun living through you on this Journey! Thanks for maintaining this site and making the readings enjoyable.

    • Brian says:

      Yes, didn’t mention all the great local eat places we have found along the way. We just need to be careful because the coach has some strict weight restrictions! 🙂
      And thank you for keeping us track all these years to get to this point.

  4. Stan & Julia Ragland says:

    Looking so forward to seeing the western part of the USA. We have been FT for 2 months and have traveled from Virginia to Florida including Alabama. We head back to Va tomorrow to see the grandkids and attend a family wedding then head to Maine and a counterclockwise trip around the Country. We have had a grand time. Thanks for sharing

    • Shannon says:

      Be sure to subscribe to our blog. We have been in Wyoming for the past month and will be adding many blogs on this area soon.
      Heading up to the New England states this autumn!

  5. Bob says:

    Thanks for sharing, you both continue to inspire me as I plan our journey!

  6. Laura Holder says:

    I am really happy for you guys! Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful start to this new chapter and we enjoy “following” you around!

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